Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Saturday, April 30, 2005


As I was procrastinating today by surfing around, I found this blog. Basically, people send in a homemade postcard with one of their big secrets and the blog posts a copy of their postcard. I think this is such an interesting idea. I mean, come on, all of us have some secret that we haven't told anyone whether it is a big secret like a secret love or a little quirk like having a foot obsession. This website gives you an opportunity to feel the release of telling your secret yet not letting anyone close to you find out. I think this is cool. I've been trying to figure out what my big secret is. I fill like I'm pretty open. If I come up with a secret, I'm definately going to send it in because I think this is a great way to release some guilt/anxiety. You should check this website out when you have some free time. If you have a secret weighing on your mind, maybe sending it in will help. If not, this will at least make you stop and think about your life.


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