Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Gotta Love Jon Stewart

So, I was watching the Daily Show last night and was inspired because Jon Stewart said something I've been wondering about myself. Why is it that the people who say they are for "small government" want the government to step in on the Terri Shiavo case? Isn't that the epitomy of "big government" when they start interfering in an individual's life (or death)? I have a friend who told me he voted for a particular politician because he was for "small government" yet said politician is involved in this the Shiavo fiasco. I don't get it. They said something the Daily Show that I think is close to the truth, "________ were for states' rights...before they had control of the 'big government.'(or something like that)" That's why everything's changed now.

Now I realize that Jon Stewart isn't a "real" news anchor and the show is really just supposed to be funny. It is funny but I think part of the reason is that he pokes fun at the issues that some people are so serious about. I know some people are offended by Jon Stewart but I think part of the reason may be that what he says has a little too much truth to it.

I'm not a book expert, but if you enjoy political humor, you'll love Jon Stewart's America.

On a final note: I could go on and on about my feelings on the Shiavo case, but I won't because I don't think that they matter. It's not my decision. It's her family's decision. I will say that this has made me want all of my family (including myself) to get a living will so that this situation doesn't happen to us.


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