Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Pre-class rants

I discovered something interesting this weekend. Did you know that most stores only carry backpacks during the summer? Isn't that strange? During the months when most people don't use backpacks, you can find them everywhere. But, break a strap on your backpack lugging around about 30 pounds of books in the dead of winter, and you are screwed. I finally had to break down and go to the campus bookstore. I know that is probably where I should have gone to begin with, but I just hate paying the outrageous prices. Come on, $50 for a backpack is crazy.

New rant: I've really enjoyed the past few days that I haven't had homework hanging over my head. I've been able to go to dinner with friends, clean my apartment, practice yoga, read a book (that I chose), and cook a real meal. I'm realizing that someday, I will have a life. Of course it'll be many years from now, but it's been nice to get a taste what it'll be like to have free time again. I'm jealous of all of those people living in the real world. Everyone tells you that you should be enjoying college because working sucks. Maybe it does, but at least you can come home from work and forget about it. Of course, I don't have to deal with crappy bosses and gossipy, lazy coworkers. I guess nothing's perfect.

I'm watching the movie Clueless. Every girl who went to high school in the '90s knows this movie. I remember watching it, thinking "Wow, they are so cool. I wish I could be like that." Watching it now, I realize that it's so unrealistic and cheesy. Nobody's high school is like that (at least no one I know). But I still love it!


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