Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

I'm amazed (well, kind of...)

Well, it's finally over. I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I'm also not surprised. The past days have really opened my eyes to a few things ,but the main thing I've realized is that many people are selfish. They believe that only their views should be considered. Now, now, I know that this could be turned around on me, but before you get defensive, hear me out on this one. The best way for me to explain this is to use an example. Let's talk about the ban on gay marriage. Two days ago, 11 states voted to ban same-sex marriage. Now, my guess is that in all of the states the people who voted for the ban were not gay. So why in the world do they give a damn if people of the same sex would like to get married or not? You know why, because they believe it is "morally wrong" or "the bible says it is wrong." Who are these people who live such a moral life that they have the right to judge what someone else does? These amendments weren't passed by small margins either. In Mississippi for example, this passed by 86%. 86%?! How in the world do you get 86% of people to agree on any subject? Anyway, so my problem with this amendment is that the people who voted for it will not be affected by it. Does that seem right to you? They voted for this to impose their moral values on other people. I believe everyone has the right to their opinion, but why should your belief be forced on people who disagree with you. Just because I wouldn't choose to be involved in a same-sex marriage doesn't mean I should have the right to tell someone else that they can't. It's not going to hurt me in anyway if they do. Maybe I'm a little to idealistic. I guess I'll have to work on that.

On a lighter note, I finally figured out a Halloween costume for last weekend (after much deliberation). I went as a goddess (no comments please). The costume seemed to be a hit which made me realize something, I'm no good at being hit on. Maybe because it just doesn't happen too often or maybe because I'm sick of the "college guys," I'm not sure but I'm kind of a disaster. Here's what happened (Family, you may want to stop reading now). I walked up to the bar to get a drink. As I was standing there, this guy asked me what I was getting him. I said "Why in the world would I get you anything?" Well, he kind of backed off for a second, probably shocked that I was so rude (what can I say, I wanted my drink), but he didn't give up. After I get my drink, I'm feeling a little more friendly so I decide to apologize for my rudeness. Apparently talking to a guy is an open invitation for him to touch you. Lucky for him, he took the a hint on that one. So after talking for about 10 minutes, I was out of small talk. That's my limit. Since I had nothing more to say, I stopped talking. Mr. Interesting apparently wasn't so once it got ackward, I walked away. As I went back to the group I came with, one of the girls asked me why I brushed that guy off. Well, I didn't think I brushed him off, I just didn't have anything more to say. If he was interested he should have talked more, right? I guess we know why I'm single.

Well, not much else going on. I'm pretty busy with Anatomy these days. I've spent the past week studying and pretty much all I've learned is that the pudendal nerve gives off the penis nerve (yes, that is the technical name). I guess I should get back to studying or at least catch up on my sleep since it's nap time.


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