Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I have to admit that I have been pretty boring the last few days. Everyday I've been meaning to write something, but I feel like I have nothing interesting to say. I mean, I pretty much do the same thing everday. So I thought, "Hell, if you've got nothing else, why not just write about what you do." So, here goes, a day in the life of Janet. Just a note, this will probably be boring, but then again that's my life.

6:30am- Hear the alarm, wake up, wonder how it could possibly be morning already and then stumble to the shower
6:43am- Turn on the morning news and get my daily 20 minutes of TV.
7:30am- Walk to the bus stop and get on the bus with the creepy old bus driver
7:50am- Get cup of coffee #1 and sit down for 4 hours of lecture
8:50am- Coffee #2 because of boring lectures (sometimes must get Coffee #3 if have Embryology)
10:50am- Get rid of coffee 1-3
11:50am- Pry my butt out of the seat in the auditorum and go to lunch
1-5ish- Usually have some sort of boring and tedious lab. On the rare days of short labs (such as today), come home and nap. That's right, I still like my afternoon naps. Wake up and study until dinner
5-6pm- Dinner
6-8ish- Coffee #4 and either head to some sort of review session or go to the lab to study.
8-10ish Come home and try to study but end up complaining (usually to myself) about how I have no time to study.
10pm- Decide that my bed would be a much more comfortable place to study, so I crawl in with my books.
10:30pm- Decide that maybe reading is out, so try to study anatomy instead since it "doesn't take as much concentration"
12pm- Wake up to throw my anatomy book off of my chest

This is just an example, I do vary this some depending on whether my professors "forget" to come or if I get lucky and have no review sessions. I'm going to a casino and concert this weekend, so look forward to some more interesting entries.

Let's see, it's about 3pm, according to my agenda it's nap time. Gotta go.


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