Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Monday, September 20, 2004

Baby Clara's here!

It's been a crazy weekend. I've been so busy that I unfornately neglected my blog (I'm sure both people who read this were very disappointed). I think the beginning of this weekend's craziness started with my near breakdown on Friday morning. I had an anatomy exam at 8am and then a second anatomy exam at 3pm. That's right, two exams in one day. Anyway, at about noon I was going nuts from the stress, lack of sleep, and hours of studying. Then I get this phone call from my mom saying that my sister had just had an emergency c-section because her baby's heartbeat had dropped. Well, that was just the icing on the cake. I was stuck in Champaign, wanting to go to the hospital but instead trying to prepare for a second anatomy exam and then for 7 exams today. After about an hour (trust me, I was a wreck), I realized that maybe this whole studying thing wasn't nearly as important as I thought it was. True, I needed to study for my exams, but wasn't that what I have been doing for the past 4 weeks? Isn't the whole point of this to be a doctor and take care of PEOPLE rather than just take exams? Shouldn't I be able to have a life? Well, I went to my exam at 3pm, not worrying about getting a good grade, but instead just worrying about doing the best I could and then getting the hell out of there and up to the hospital. It worked. I passed my test (I found this out yesterday), and I went to go see my niece who is the cutest baby girl I have ever seen(cutest baby boy is my nephew by the way). I've included a picture below, I think, so that y'all can verify this. According to the specialist, her heart problem should resolve itself in a couple of weeks, and she should be fine. So what started out initially to be very stressful, turned out to be fine in the end. I learned a lesson from this tiny baby not to take anything for granted just because I'm busy, and that studying for a stupid exam isn't the most important thing in my life.

Well, enough of all of this seriousness. I'm off to clean up this mess in my room and then on to the bar. Hey, I did just take 9 exams in three days...


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