Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Thursday, September 16, 2004

"Respect your mucous"

That is some of the handy advice I got from my Immunology professor today. It seems that mucous is an amazing thing, but I won't bore you with the details. I'll just say that your runny nose is just the beginning of your useful mucous secretions.

I'll move away from the disgusting topic of mucous now. I thought everyone would be interested to know that there is a special someone in my life. I've been spending a great deal of my time this past week with a very interesting man. He's every thing you could want in a guy. He doesn't talk back, he doesn't show off for his buddies, he doesn't drink all your beer, he helps me study, and he never gets in my way. Well, in fact, he doesn't go anywhere (he smells kinda bad too). Mr. Cadaver and I have gotten very close this week. Although I can't wait until I don't have to spend all of my "free time" in the lab. One good thing about it (well maybe good thing) is the stress of my impending exam is making me crazy. Here are two examples:

1. I was leaning in close to Mr. C to get a better look and the smell was starting to make my eyes burn (ain't that always the way). So I said "I think I'll just close my eyes and look, so it doesn't burn so much."

2. After washing my hands with the special soap when I was done with Mr. C (always important), I noticed they smelled "like bad breath." Which I didn't think was funny, but everyone else started laughing so...

Well, back to studying. Have a good night, and "respect your mucous."


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