Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My perforated line

Not that anyone cares to listen to me complain, but today was a LONG day. I had class at 8am and I just got home at 8pm. This wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that we had class right through the lunch hour. So, I technically didn't get a break for a meal until 6pm. What sucks is that I have a test I am totally unprepared for on Thursday and I really don't think I'll be studying tonight. I guess that's what tomorrow is for, right? I really think that I should be getting paid for this.

Speaking of getting paid, one of the doctor's that works with the medical school (my advisor actually) came to talk to us today. I think the whole point of the lecture was to try to tell us the horrible the United States health care system is and point out that none of us are going to be making much money. Not that money is my motivating factor, because if it was, I sure as hell wouldn't be going into medicine. I'd try to go into business or law. The problem comes when it is time to pay back my loans. We won't go into how much I owe, but I'll just say that I could own a nice home right now. Plus, I'll be paying a whole lot of money in malpractice insurance. The amount doctors pay PER YEAR for malpractice insurance ranges anywhere from about $50,000-$275,000. That's more money than most people make in a year. Now, my point is that I'm feeling sorry for myself. Well, maybe a little, but I chose this career. My point is that this is a real problem that I think a lot of people aren't aware of. Sure, everyone knows that the cost of medicine has risen drastically in the past decade, but this isn't because doctor's are making more. It's because our health care system is crap. There are great health care workers who are providing great care for patients, but the system, the bureacracy is crap. We are the only modern industrialized country that has millions of people without health insurance. I know a lot of people are against government sponsered health-care, but it is ridiculous for such a "wealthy" country to have so many people without access to medical care. If the government isn't here to help us, then what is it here for?

On a brighter note, I only have 1 more day of class and then 1 day of tests and then I'm done for a week. It'll be so nice to have a break and some time away from school. I get to see some old friends, have some home-cooked meals, and get away from this insanity.

I'll leave you with a quick story from today: While in the cadaver lab today, there were three of use working on one body. As I was talking myself through the various structures and functions, I suddenly noticed something. All three of us were talking, none of us were talking to each other. Three people, inches away from each other, talking to themselves. It's craziness I tell you. As my friend and I say, "If there is a fine line between crazy and genius, I think my line is perforated."


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