Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


So, yesterday I decided that I was going to bake a cake for no reason. I had high hopes for this cake. It was one of my favorite cakes (white with strawberry frosting). Well, the cake doesn't look so pretty. It didn't exactly rise. I don't know what went wrong, but I suspect it has something to do with my oven. Later last night, I decided to bake some chicken. Well, said chicken started smoking. Not just a little smoke. Oh no, it was like I'd but a fog machine in my kitchen. It's cool at a bar, not so cool in a kitchen. I thought maybe it was the marinade I put on the chicken, but I went to a friend's to finish baking the chicken and it didn't smoke. So, I think it was just the oven. By the way, the cake tastes delicious. It just looks kind of pathetic.

I was very productive this afternoon (I'll explain why later). This is unusual for me since I tend to like to nap in the afternoon if I don't have class. Today though, I went to a coffeeshop and got a good 3 hours of studying in. Of course, that also means I got a good three cups of coffee (gotta thank the roommate for getting me a gift certificate so I don't have to pay for it). Obviously, I've fallen off the wagon. I'd been so good too. I had only been drinking decaf or half-caf, and it showed. I was a little antsy during my afternoon lab. It was actually quite funny. I was bouncing around as I was poking through the intestines. My TA thought I was dancing (we know that wasn't happening). One of the "assignments" I finished this afternoon involved analyzing my performance last semester and coming up with a set of strengths and weaknesses. Tomorrow I have to share this list with my advisor. This assignment was hard. Have you ever tried to think about your strengths and weaknesses? That's hard enough, but now I have to tell a man that I admire that I procrastinate too much and don't study for Histology because I don't like it. That should be an interesting meeting.

All of this productivity was spurred by the fact that my favorite "guilty-pleasure" show starts tonight. That's right. My name is Janet, and I am an American Idol addict. Speaking of which, I need to get back to work because my show starts soon and I need to finish my list of weaknesses. Hmm, I think I just thought of a new one...


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