Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Monday, January 10, 2005

5 Questions

Well, I started classes today. It's funny how I was kind of looking forward to it, and then the first class was with my "favorite" Physiology professor and I remembered why I hated going to class. I'm not feeling very creative today so I thought I would answer some questions from this book that I have called Think Twice by Bret Nicholaus and Paul Lowrie. Hopefully you find this interesting. Feel free to leave your answers if you like.

1. Picture both of the following in your mind for a few seconds. Which scene do you find more peaceful?
a) an old lighthouse on the craggy seashore of Maine
b) a white, high-steepled church in the countryside of Vermont
I'd choose a. I've always wanted to go to Maine. From the few pictures I've seen, it looks gorgeous. Plus, I love old lighthouses. Not sure why

2. In your opinion, which of the following would the average person find more amusing?
a) the way you sneeze
b) the way you laugh
The way I sneeze. My brother-in-law thinks it's hilarious. I kind of have a high-pitched girly sneeze that you wouldn't expect. Then again, I do sometimes snort when I laugh...

3. If you were given the opportunity to have a one-on-one dinner with either of the following high-profile people, whom would you chose?
a) the pope
b) the president
Surprisingly to some, I would choose the president. Not because I admire him, but because I have questions that I'd like to have him explain to me.

4. In your opinion, which of the following better symbolizes the word happiness?
a) a butterfly
b) a rainbow
I'd say a butterfly because it starts out as something ordinary and becomes something extraordinary. Also because it is free to fly.em>

5.) If you could be either of the following highly publicized celebrity types, which would you want to be?
a) a chart-topping musical performer
b) a popular TV talk-show host
I think I'd like to be a TV host. I'd get to meet and talk with all sorts of interesting people, and my success would be based on my personality/talents not how good I look on stage.


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