Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Monday, April 25, 2005

blah, blah

Do you ever have one of those days that you know the second you wake up it is going to be a bad day? This was one of those days. Nothing in particular made it bad, I just wish I could have skipped it all together. To start out, I knew that it was going to be a long day, and I probably wouldn't get home until about 9pm. Plus, I had to begin a new section of dissecting today. I had everything all planned out and knew exactly what I was going to get done. Um, yeah, that didn't happen. I didn't get nearly as much dissecting done as I thought nor did I get my presentation for Wednesday done. I just kind of drifted along today. I think I need a swift kick in the butt to get me going. It doesn't help that I hear other grad students talking about being almost done, and I still have a month left. Of course, I really need that time to get prepared.

On a happier note, I threw a baby shower for my friend Sarah on Saturday. It went very smoothly, and I think that everyone had a great time. I'm now up to three showers that I've hosted/co-hosted. I think I'm finally getting good at it. I've finally figured out all of the things that you should prepare for and problems to anticipate. Of course, I think I'm done with showers for awhile since most of my friends are married off or single. None of you married folk are expecting children, right? I'm now convinced that if I don't marry about 30, I'm going to throw myself a shower anyway. Why should I not be celebrated just because I'm not married or expecting?

Speaking of being married, I've been having this problem recently. I seem to only be attracted to men who are either married or engaged. What's wrong with me? Am I some sort of masochist? Seriously, there are plenty of single men out there I'm sure, but me, I just want the ones that are taken.

Now that I've spent twenty minutes procrastinating, I should probably get back to studying the head. It's amazing how complex our heads are. So many holes and bumps that all have their own name. It's ridiculous that there are probably about 200 named parts of or associated with the skull.


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