Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Cutting and Picking

Cutting and picking seem to be all that I've been doing the past week and a half. This week we got to do the most interesting dissections. Without going into details, they are quite gruesome. (actually I'm going to go into a little detail so if you are easily grossed out skip to the next paragraph). Anyway, my part to dissect involves removing the pharnyx with the tongue still attached. So, basically I now have a tube with a tongue on the end. The other dissection, well, it separated the head/mouth/pharnyx from the spinal column. I'll leave the rest to your imagination. The point of me telling you about this is that I think I have the most interesting portion to dissection. Everyone else just had to clean stuff out, I actually had to rip and pull to separate stuff. I mean, seriously, I'm never going to do this again. There is NO surgery that involves ripping the tongue out of someone.

As weird as this sounds, I'm not enjoying spring. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the warm weather and sunshine but it's causing me troubles. For one thing, it is really hard to stay motivated when it is so nice outside. Plus, my allergies are driving me crazy. We actually took a poll in class today people who suffer from allergies. It is estimated that only about 15% of people have allergies. In my class, well over half of the class have allergies. Doesn't that just act to perpetuate the stereotype of geeks being sickly? Because I'll tell ya, we are all geeks and I love it!

So, George W (or as Sarah calls him "Bushy Bear") was in IL today at the opening of the Lincoln Library. It's not the "official" Lincoln Presidential library, more of a tourist attraction from what I understand. Just in case you didn't know, downstate IL loves their Lincoln attractions. Close to my town there is actually a monument marking the place where Lincoln and Douglas passed each other and stopped to talk on their way to a debate. This just makes me wonder if this visit was just an act to try to gain support from the IL democrats. Of course, I guess I'd probably do the same thing.


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