Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Part 2

Just heard on the news that Terri Shiavo died this morning. may her and her family finally have some peace.

Gotta Love Jon Stewart

So, I was watching the Daily Show last night and was inspired because Jon Stewart said something I've been wondering about myself. Why is it that the people who say they are for "small government" want the government to step in on the Terri Shiavo case? Isn't that the epitomy of "big government" when they start interfering in an individual's life (or death)? I have a friend who told me he voted for a particular politician because he was for "small government" yet said politician is involved in this the Shiavo fiasco. I don't get it. They said something the Daily Show that I think is close to the truth, "________ were for states' rights...before they had control of the 'big government.'(or something like that)" That's why everything's changed now.

Now I realize that Jon Stewart isn't a "real" news anchor and the show is really just supposed to be funny. It is funny but I think part of the reason is that he pokes fun at the issues that some people are so serious about. I know some people are offended by Jon Stewart but I think part of the reason may be that what he says has a little too much truth to it.

I'm not a book expert, but if you enjoy political humor, you'll love Jon Stewart's America.

On a final note: I could go on and on about my feelings on the Shiavo case, but I won't because I don't think that they matter. It's not my decision. It's her family's decision. I will say that this has made me want all of my family (including myself) to get a living will so that this situation doesn't happen to us.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Sniffle Sniffle

Well, I'm back after from a week long break. Actually, it was a little longer than a week because I was slacking off the week before break. Anyways, as you can imagine, I had some trouble getting back into the swing of things today. It wasn't getting up for class that was so bad because I got up at 6:30am everyday during break. Sitting through class was the tough part. It just was really freakin' boring today. Plus, I have this wonderful allergy/cold thing going on. I think it's allergies but then I feel like I might have a slight fever which suggest cold but then again my eyes are dry like allergies so I just don't know. Wouldn't you think I should be able to tell the difference?

On the subject of my sickness, you should have seen the look on cashier's face when I brought my drugs (actually slips of paper with pictures of the box) up to the register. I had two different kinds of "restricted" medications and I swear they looked at me like I has some sort of drug-dealer. Then they went back to get my "drugs" from behind a locked case. I swear I felt like I was buying condoms or something. Which, I might add, weren't in a locked case. It just seems ridiculous to me that because a bunch of punk kids are using cold medicine to make drugs, I have to deal with rude cashiers everytime I'm sick. Damn them.

On a happier note, tomorrow is supposed to be warm so I can break in my new sandals. I know my feet are going to hurt because they aren't used to sandals, but I get excited every year when I get to start wearing sandals again.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

An update

For all of you who were worried that I would resort to looking like an oompa-loompa or *gasp* go with makeup, you can stop worrying. I drove to a different store today and they had my color. I almost want to go back to the saleslady here and rub it in her face that she lost my business, but I'll refrain.

I must admit that I had green beer today. Not because I wanted to celebrate St. Patrick's day but because I went to dinner and it was the cheapest drink. It's actually good that it was green because I only had one glass out of fear my mouth would turn green. I felt somewhat wrong drinking it because I'm not Irish, but hey how many non-Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter? I guess it's kind of the same...

Well, I should get back to cleaning my room now. I have friends coming to visit this weekend, and I don't want them to see this wreck. Of course, they used to live with me so they are used to it, but still. I'm excited to see them, but it'll be strange to have them come to visit me and then leave.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


So, something happened to me to today that I just had to address. That's right, I was discriminated against based on my skin color. Oh yes, it was awful. Those of you who know me, may ask, but Janet you are white. Indeed! That my friends is the problem. Here's what happened. I went to the Lancome counter at a nearby department store. It is now that special time of year. Free gift time. So, I went armed with my credit card and ready to make my purchase. I told them what I wanted and what color I needed. The girl said, "Sorry, we don't have the makeup in that light color. What to try another color?" Okay, so why would I want to try a darker color of makeup (powder)? Wouldn't I look orange? So I asked when they would have some. She said that she didn't know because it was such a light color they rarely had any. Okay, so I asked if I could pay now so I could get my free gift and come back and pick it up when they got a new shipment. She said "No, it doesn't work that way." Then she offered me a free sample. Okay that's nice, I look at it. Wrong color. What the hell?! Aren't these people supposed to be makeup experts? Shouldn't they know if I wear that color I'll look like a freak?

I know some people may be offended by this entry. Trust me, that is not my intention. I am being completely honest. I was offended. This is not the only time something like this happened to me. I was with my friend when she was trying on wedding dresses. While she was in the dressing room, I was chatting with the sales woman. We were talking about dresses and then she tells me, "You really shouldn't wear a white dress when you get married because you are so pale." I was shocked. I mean, I don't really want a "traditional" wedding, but seriously. Why should I not be able to wear white if I want to? Now, if I ever get married, I am going to be terrified that the dress looks horrible because of this woman. The summer is the worst. Every year I hear people say, "Have stayed inside all summer? You are so pale." No, I haven't stayed inside all summer. I have used sunscreen and/or simply cannot get tan. It just doesn't happen for me. I am hoping to go tanning for a brief time before my exciting summer trip just so that I don't get burned to a crisp. Before I do that though, I must go to the doctor to have them check out a suspicious spot (ie mole) on my back. I have this despite wearing sunscreen.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox.