Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Devil cat

I had a fun, festive Halloween weekend. I went to a pumpkin carving party at my college friend's house last night and amazingly enough my pumpkin turned out well. I was pretty skeptical considering the last pumpkin I carved was probably 5 years ago and all I remember is that the teeth fell out. This time I used a pattern which made things much easier. I don't have a picture of mine, but you should take a look at K's. Mine is almost as good as hers but just not as complicated. My apartment looks festive now and it almost makes me sad that no trick-or-treaters will be coming here.

I had a strange thing happen to me today. Since I didn't get much sleep this weekend, I decided to take a nap this afternoon. Well, when I woke up from my nap I started to roll over and I felt something sharp poke my side. I put my hand there to feel what it was and it was a pair of scissors. Somehow a pair of scissors were laying next to me in bed. They were on top of the covers right next to where I laid my book down. There is no way that they were there before because I would have noticed them. I looked down the bed a little further and there was Isabelle sleeping right next to me and the scissors. I'm pretty sure that she somehow carried the scissor onto the bed. She does this all the time with her toys because she wants me to play with her, I'm just not sure why she would bring me scissors. Maybe she's plotting against me...

Tomorrow is the first day in the clinic that I get to see patients. It's a little scary. I already have my clothes laid out next to my coat. It seems strange. Almost like that is my Halloween costume.

Monday, October 24, 2005

So, the past few weeks have proven that you should never trust older students. I don't know what they were talking about, but it's bullshit that you won't be busy during your second year. That'll be my excuse for the month long blog vacation.

It has been a busy few weeks though. I'll try to hit some of the highlights.

-I've interviewed my first couple of patients. It wasn't too bad, basically I just talked to them. I have a hard time remembering that I am supposed to act more like a doctor and not just try to be friendly. All in all the biggest complaint I heard was that my sweater was low cut. I might add here that it wasn't showing any cleavage, it just wasn't a turtle neck. Apparently my neck is distracting. I didn't feel so bad when I heard that almost every other girl got the same comment.

-This weekend I got my "white coat" so now I look official. Granted I'm still clueless, but now the patients think I know what I am talking about. And get this, next week I start seeing patients in the clinic. Scary. Mostly for them though.

-I joined a bowling league. No I am not a good bowler. My handicap is like 98 or something. I actually broke 100 last week, so I'm really quite bad, but I have fun and it keeps me out of trouble. Well, mostly.

-Oh, and I've officially rejoined the dating world. I don't really want to talk to much about it here, but I figured those of you who knew about it would bug me if I didn't mention it since that has been one of the big reasons that I haven't posted in a while. Email me if you want details :)

My life hasn't been too exciting. School, studying, hanging out and occasionally bowling.

Okay, let me know your opinion on this next story to settle an argument. Well, more of a discussion really. So E and I went to this apple orchard. We went inside to the donut shop thinking we were going to buy some donuts. Well, he was going to buy the donuts. Anyway, when we get to the counter and ask for donuts the lady says "Oh, I'm sorry we're out." So I said, "What do you mean you don't have donuts? You are a donut shop. How do you run out?" So she goes into some stupid story about cooking them all in the morning and then the only lady that can make them left. Then she says, "Well, I guess we do have 6 left." E said fine we'll take them. So, she rings it up and says it's $6.25. I look at the menu and notice that for 6 donuts it's $3.50 and it $6 for a dozen. I get ready to say something and E gives me a look and tells me to drop it because it's not a big deal. Okay, am I wrong to complain about being overcharged? Plus, now I'm annoyed because E is being a pussy. I guess I'm just a bitch. Oh and the topper is that the couple behind us asks for a dozen donuts and the lady goes "Well, we don't have a dozen but we've got 2 left." What the hell is that? Did two donuts just appear out of thin air? Or did she just think that we should only get 6?