Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Monday, April 17, 2006


I've been in a funk lately. Nothing specifically that I want to talk about, it's just one of those things. So what did I do today, I watched When a Man Loves a Woman. Smart move, Janet, smart move. I was bawling my eyes out. Of course, now I do have some nice thoughts about Andy Garcia so I guess it wasn't all bad...

I think this is all connected to a stress-induced delirium I've been having today. I finished reading my pathology book this morning and realized that this weekend I had read an entire 500 page condensed textbook. 500 pages isn't that much really, but this was pretty dense since it was supposed to cover all of the high points in pathology. So basically, I should be an expert. That's actually pretty funny. I have been feeling a little crazy so I had this great idea to read some stuff on Scientology. Whoah boy, I don't feel so crazy anymore. If you want a good laugh, watch the South Park episode on Scientology. An "expert" on Scientology on CNN actually said that some of the details mentioned in the episode where pretty accurate. So basically what I got from my "research" was that 75 million years ago some alien king or something named Xenu killed a bunch of other aliens and sent their bodies down to Earth. Now there souls are stuck here and are the cause of all of our problems. Wow, this seems like a Sci-Fi story or something. Who would have ever thought this up? Oh, that's right, one of the "best" science fictions writers L. Ron Hubbard. I'm sure that I really over simplified this but it is fascinating. Actually, I find the whole thing fascinating. Not that I'm interesting in joining. Mostly it's the whole money thing. Or is it the slave labor? Or maybe it's the aliens?

[if anyone reading this is a Scientologist, I don't mean to be offensive. Actually if you'd like to correct any misrepresentations, that would be great.]


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