Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I'd like to say that I've been so busy the past two weeks that I haven't gotten the chance to blog, but really I just haven't had anything to say. My finals week actually turned into two weeks and I just am so grouchy from studying. Seriously, my routine for the past two weeks has been either 1)spend all day studying and complaining about studying or 2)take a test in the morning and spend the rest of the day studying/complaining. What a great time, huh? But now it's over, actually it's not over because I still have 1 test tomorrow but I am done studying. I am at the point that I just don't care anymore.

Now that freedom is in sight, I'm trying to get my summer planned out. Yes, I am planning my summer. It's actually quite funny. I have so much "fun" stuff I want to do this summer that I am not sure how to get it all in before my summer internship. Here's what I have: two graduation parties, two birthdays (one mine and one involving a camping trip, more on that later), two trips to Rockford (one to look at/sign lease of my future apartment and one to move stuff to storage), two births (one of which I am the "coach") and one trip to Hawaii (thanks Kt). Plus I have other things like doctor's appointments and moving three times to take up my remaining free time. Not that I am complaining, it's nice to have so much to do that doesn't involve my spending hours memorizing random facts. I guess I am just not used to having fun anymore.

Well, I'm sorry to be so boring. Don't worry, I'll be clever again as soon as I finish my exam tomorrow.