Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Part 2: Games

So, I have this problem that whenever I sit at my computer to post something I always forget what I wanted to say. This happened about an hour ago. Then I got in the shower and remembered what I wanted to say. You may disregard the previous post if you'd like since it is just rambling. This one should be more interesting.

Over the holidays, I played a lot of games. No one in my family really likes to play games except for me so this was a big deal. I love games. Card games, board games, trivia games I like them all. I'm not very good at most of them but they are still fun. My mom said that as a kid she always remembers playing marbles so we got the game Aggravation. Basically, you have to navigate the marbles around the board and get them home. Well, our game was the souped up version with an added obstacle, my kitty. She decided she wanted to play too, so whenever a marble was moved on the board close to where she was sitting she'd bat at it. Since she was on me, I got to spend the most time replacing my marbles, but I still managed to win a couple of times.

We played Scrabble on Christmas evening. My brother-in-law told me he didn't want to play with me because I could make up words and he wouldn't know. Well, not to worry about that with words like dike (the water kind) and horny (as in animals) I was not the winner. And, apparently the sport LUGE is not spelled LOOGE. We also played poker and I lost $1. Yes, my family are a bunch of high-rollers.

My favorite game this weekend was Operation. Does anyone remember this game? There's this man who has all sorts of "ailments" that you fix by pulling out little plastic pieces from holes all over his body. If you touch the metal around the edge of the holes, he buzzes and his nose lights up. It's actually a lot harder than you'd think. No matter how many times we played, no one could get the "charlie horse." Let me know if you've played this game and have managed to get that one. One of the interesting ailments is the bread basket. This one is in his groin region. What is this all about? Charlie horse, wrenched ankle, and writer's cramp I understand. But bread basket? I've got an idea, but I'm thinking that it might be inappropriate for a little kids game. I didn't win this game the first time either. I did when the second time because I learned how to cheat. See, the game has two sets of cards. You draw a doctor card that tells you what operation you preform each round and how much money you get for it. You deal out specialist cards to everyone and these are the "operations" that they specialize in. So if the "doctor" can't get the piece, the specialist gets to right and gets twice the money the doctor would have won. So I figured, if I drew an operation I was a specialist in, why try to get it the first time? Why not botch the first surgery so that I can get twice the money the second time as a specialist? Nice thinking for a future doctor, huh?


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