Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Friday, December 23, 2005

My Christmas Post.

Well, I've been spending the last few days with at my parent's house. No offense to them, but i remember now why I used to be bored all the time. Bement is boring. I was thinking that i would come home early and study a few days before Christmas. That was before I realized that there would be no place to study here. I have this problem where I can't study if there is a TV within the building so studying in their house is out of the question. The only coffee shop within 20 miles isn't open during the day. Yeah, they are only open at night. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it. So, I've been forced by factors outside of my control to not study :)

I have been reading a lot though. It's nice to actually be able to sit down and read whatever I want. I've gotten through 3 books since I got home which is pretty good for me since I tend to fall asleep if I read longer than an hour. The next book I'm starting is the Da Vince Code. I have mixed feelings about it since it has been such the fad lately. I'm not usually into reading the books everyone talks about, but my friend told me it was geniunely good, so we'll see.

As you can tell so far, the most exciting thing I've been doing is reading. I did bring Isabelle with me and she has provided some comic relief. Most notably, the other night when she made a flying leap onto the Christmas tree. Luckily for her, it didn't fall over. I think she is enjoying my being here more than me. I'm going to feel guilty when I take her back next week.

I most likely won't post again before Sunday so Merry Christmas to everyone. If you don't celebrate Christmas then I guess enjoy your completely un-Christmas related time off.


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