Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Sunday, September 25, 2005

My two favorite P's: Politics and Pus

Well, I've been instructed to update more. I guess these past couple of weeks I just haven't really felt the "need." Those of you with blogs, you know what I'm talking about. Some days, something will happen and you know that you are going to have to go home and write about it. Well, that hasn't happened to me for awhile.

I have been checking other people's blogs religiously though. I followed a link from one of my friend's blogs to take a political test. Turns out that I'm a democrat. Big surprise there. Apparently I'm socially and economically permissive and bordering on a socialist. Interesting. I guess it's good to know that I am in touch with my true political views. Here's the link to the test if you want to take it.

Let's see, what else have I been up to? Well, I know my clinical site for my family practice rotation. I'll be driving an hour to and from the site every week for the next 3 years. Nice huh? Of course they wouldn't give me the site that is 15 minutes from my place. I get to start seeing "standardized patients" in the next couple of weeks. Basically these are people the university is paying to let a bunch of med students interview them. Then in a month I get to see real patients. I'm actually more nervous about the fake patients because I don't know what kind of instruction they have been given. Did the university tell them to be a pain in the ass? Are they supposed to be hard to diagnose? I don't know what to expect with them. With real patients, I think it will be a little easier to talk to them since it won't be so contrived.

So for those of you who don't know, I got my ear pierced a few weeks ago. Not a big deal really, just funny that I did it at my age. Anyway, yesterday I took my earrings out to change them and as I was cleaning my ear, pus started draining out. Not a lot but enough that I was surprised that it could fit in that little bitty hole. I guess they are infected which is strange because I've been good about cleaning them. Just goes to show that it doesn't just happen to young girls who don't take care of their ears. I think the reason I brought this up is that when I went to clean my ears today, I was disappointed that no pus came out. Just a little blood. I was hoping for more pus. I must have drained all of it yesterday, but maybe the other ear will do it tomorrow. I guess pus just fascinates me. Sorry if I grossed anyone out.


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