Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Next time around I'll do it differently

Have you ever had one of those days that starts out bad and then just keeps getting worse? Today has been one of those for me. I got up this morning and went to put on a pair of jeans and they didn't fit. Now, I know for a fact I wore these exact jeans less than 2 wks ago and they fit. So, either I've packed on the pounds or shrunk them in the dryer. I'm hoping for the latter, but most likely it's a little of both. Either way, now they don't fit. Sure I can get them on, but they look BAD. So now I'm thinking. Did they look like this last time I wore them and I somehow skipped the mirror in the morning? Anyway, so after that I decided to balance my checkbook and write out some bills. Oh, that's always a great way to brighten up the morning. So then I go out to my car to head to class and the dickheads haven't plowed the driveway (did I mention that it snowed all day). So now my pants get soaked (obviously not the tight pants) and I have to go to class in wet clothes. I get to class and the instructor for the first 2 hours got stuck in the ditch and class is cancelled. That would've been nice to know before I drug my ass out of bed at 6:30. So I went to Barnes & Noble hoping for a pumpkin spice latte to kill time. Well, apparently it's seasonal but not this season. I guess I'm the only one who likes pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving. But, the girl behind the counter suggested the gingerbread latte which is "just as good." Okay, so I tried that. Umm, not a fan. It was not good when I drank it, and it is even worse now as I am still burping it up (sorry for that).

The day wasn't a total bust. I got a new book that I am loving. It's called Spook by Mary Roach. She's basically looking at different theories/experiments others have done to try to find peoples' souls. For example, one experiment involved putting dying people on a scale to see if at the time of death, they lost weight thereby showing how much the soul weighs. Obviously this was done about 100 years ago because no one would get that kind of experiment approved today. Mary Roach is writing this from the point of view of someone who doesn't really believe in "afterlife" (this she explains at the very beginning) so she looks at all kinds of beliefs including reincarnation. It's really interesting and actually kinda funny. Her other book, Stiff, I also liked a lot. It was her researching what happens to the human body after death. Cool if you can handle gross/graphic descriptions.


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