Janet's musings

A collection of thoughts, ideas, and meditations. (a.k.a. the randomness that goes through my head)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another uneventful holiday has come and gone. Don't get me wrong, I had a good day, but I think every year I am a little sad that the magic is gone from Christmas. I think too many people get wrapped up in all of the preparations that it becomes a hassle. I, for one, didn't have that this year. I did a lot of cooking, but I had the luxury of spreading it out over a couple of days while the family was working. I didn't have to host, so that took away a lot of stress. I just kind of went along for the ride this year. The best part for me wasn't opening gifts, I honestly don't remember what gifts were exchanged (not that I am ungrateful), but just watching the niece and nephew play. It's amazing how much having little kids around changes the dynamics.

I did try to brave the crowds yesterday to buy some things on sale. That was a disaster! I don't like crowds anyway, but then add to it that I had a headache and was just generally cranky. Let's just say that I drove home with just as much money as I left with. I think maybe I'll just try to do some online shopping.

I think tomorrow kitty and I are going to make the trek back up to Rockford. I'm not sure what my plans are for this weekend, but I am guessing I'll probably be driving down to Bloomington. If I don't see y'all, have a happy new year.


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